Saturday, October 11, 2014

Week 6: Atomic Models and Diagonal Rules

     This week we continued with our look at atomic models and began to focus more on the address system for electrons.  And although we can't pinpoint exactly where the electron might be, I think I got it across to my students that it was similar to looking in the stands at the football game and having a pretty good idea that your parents or friends are up there somewhere on the home side, in that section, in that row and maybe even in those seats!  But their changing seats like musical chairs and the music never stops playing!
Next it sank in that we were half through the trimester and I was excited to hear students recommending to other students to watch the videos because the video really explained things well.  We started into the address system and I began spouting out 1s^2 2s^2 2p^6 alright, alright, wait what?  As we continued I began seeing more and more light bulbs going off of understanding and I'll know more next week with assessments.  In the meantime we took Friday to get a grip on the so called diagonal building of lowest energy to highest energy and took time out to understand the so called diagonal rule with the diagonal rule challenge.  The object, feed an extension cord through the order of the diagonal rule from 1s^2 to 7p^6 as quickly as possible!

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